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What Do You Need to Do After an Auto Accident?

| Mar 8, 2024 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury

The aftermath of an auto accident is often confusing, if not downright chaotic. It can be very helpful to have an experienced car accident attorney on your side. A car accident lawyer near Severn can provide expert guidance with regard to your legal rights and options. You can also defer questions from your insurance company to your car wreck attorney.

Immediately After the Crash

Immediately after a car crash, protecting yourself and others from further harm is of the utmost importance. If possible, move the vehicle away from oncoming traffic and set out road flares. Then, call emergency responders and arrange for medical assistance. Your car accident attorney will also advise you to exchange information with the other driver, while being careful not to admit fault. You’ll need to exchange full names, contact information, driver’s license numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance information, in addition to the make, model, and year of the other vehicle. If you have a camera, take photos of the scene and the damage to the vehicles. When the police arrive, write down the officers’ names and badge numbers. After you file a police report, obtain the police report number. Then, call a car accident attorney, if you haven’t already done so.

Over the Next Few Weeks

The stress of a car wreck can follow you for weeks. Be sure to attend to your medical needs by following your doctor’s instructions and going to all follow-up appointments. Notify your insurance company that you were in a car crash as soon as possible and obtain an estimate for the damage to your vehicle. You should answer basic questions when speaking with your insurance representative; however, never make any statements that could be misconstrued as admitting blame for the crash.

During Subsequent Months

A car accident attorney can prevent the insurance company from dragging its heels with your reimbursement check. However, for many people, a check from the insurance company simply isn’t enough to cover the property damage and medical expenses. You might consider talking to your lawyer about filing a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation.