Field sobriety tests are a cornerstone of DUI cases. If you have been charged with a DUI or experienced a car accident with someone who was, your criminal or auto accident attorney in Severn will closely examine the field sobriety tests as part of your case.
Field sobriety tests are performed on the scene of a car accident or traffic stop. They are performed as a measure of intoxication and can be the first line of testing before officers use a breath or blood test to determine blood alcohol content. There are a number of different techniques officers can use in field sobriety tests, including counting backwards, saying the alphabet, one-legged stands, and the finger-to-nose test. The results of the test are not definitive but can be used as part of a DUI case.
If an officer gave you a field sobriety test at the scene of a crash, tell your car accident lawyer as soon as possible. If you were at fault for an accident and failed a field sobriety test, your auto accident lawyer will attempt to prove that factors beside alcohol, such as uneven terrain, influenced your test results. A car accident lawyer can also answer any questions you have about the process.